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The Royel jelly 🥇
thr original royel jelly produced by bee workers to use as food for queen and caterpillars, Queen bees food consists of a high proportion of fatty acids, healthy fats, carbohydrates, proteins and many vitamins that are beneficial to the body, therefore it is a superfood for everyone who suffers from diseases,

📍The original, fully preserved Queen Bee food is patented by dry cooling to preserve all its benefits and properties.


👈 Queen's food for us, refrigerated, without moisture and water, and without the juiciness in the cell, which contains only queen's food, one gram of it is equivalent to 10 times or more, than normal liquid queen food. This is why it is more than 20 times more useful than normal queen food.

👈While the queens food available in the market, in liquid form, 90% is water and moisture, and it is a whole cell, meaning the juicer of the cell.

📍Method of use:

📍2 pots 16 grams
📍 One gram is placed under the tongue until it dissolves, for 15 days, and in this way, you will see a huge difference between any queen food you have ever had in your life.

📍 Unlimited benefits.

👈Contains antibacterial and fungal
👈 Reduces inflammation and oxidation.
👈Increase the number of sperm.
👈Increasing sexual desire and reproductive ability.
👈 Reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing cholesterol.
👈Supports brain health and thought functions.
👈Treats diabetic foot sores.
👈 Anti-aging.
👈 Helps reduce the negative side effects associated with some cancer treatments.
👈Strengthening the skin's eyeglasses.
👈Regulation of heartbeats.
👈Improving fertility .


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